On 24 July 2014 01:08, Vincent Zurczak <vincent.zurc...@linagora.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am not sure this is the right mailing-list.
> Maybe I should have posted to the dev list. Anyway...
> I have started working on new Maven plug-in last week and I have set up
> unit tests using the testing-harness plugin.
> I have problems with Maven injected fields, such as the Maven project.
Here will do, the devs are on both.

(and you will have to wait for someone with more knowledge about using the
testing harnesses)

Back when I was trying to use them you had a choice of 3, I think its not
down to one but I dont know if the documentation on how to set it up and
use it is readily available.

When you get your answers, would you add to the knowledge base?
It is always good to get fresh eyes on these things as the people who
already know what's going on make assumptions that someone just starting
out need to know about.

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