Sounds exactly like the problem I've been having locally on our integration tests, only in that instance its lots of version ranges ( using SNAPSHOTs ) that have transitive ranges (also using SNAPSHOTs ).

Maven would just "lock up", altho it's really just taking a LOOOOOOOONG time walking the combinatorial explosion of dependencies. We didn't get your ultimate result tho.

Here's hoping that new aether update works like a charm.

On 29 Aug 2014, at 14:29, Juven Xu wrote:

The background is, i’m helping migrating a huge project from maven2 to maven3, and I noticed this project is using dozens of SNAPSHOT dependencies, and more than hundred transitive SNAPSHOT dependencies, after updating most of the SNAPSHOT direct dependencies to RELEASE dependencies, the crash issue is mitigated a lot, but build is still slow, but at least it can pass.

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