The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
long-awaited Apache Maven Assembly Plugin, version 2.5.

The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate
the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation,
and other files into a single distributable archive.

Notable in this release is improved file attribute support and full
symlink support for java7+ users. Users of filtering/line ending
selection should also notice a nice performance improvement.  A large
number of bugs have also been fixed.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Assembly Plugin - Version 2.5

** Bug
    * [MASSEMBLY-75] - Unpacked TAR dependencies do not preserve file
mode nor uid/gid
    * [MASSEMBLY-458] - Directory name resolution ignores "$" and beyond
    * [MASSEMBLY-495] - Assembly changes timestamps when extracting
dependency sets
    * [MASSEMBLY-523] - Filtering causes a loss of original unix file
    * [MASSEMBLY-543] - japanese filenames cannot be correctly
assembled by maven-assembly-plugin
    * [MASSEMBLY-557] - Corrupted zip created by assembly: extracting
the zip forgets certain folders (or throws permission denied errors)
possibly because zip index is corrupted
    * [MASSEMBLY-563] - JAR entry not found when including jar
dependencies with "#" in classname
    * [MASSEMBLY-576] - addClasspath broken in new single goal
    * [MASSEMBLY-605] - Filtering does not work on files which are symlinks
    * [MASSEMBLY-615] - assembly:single fails with odd resource file name
    * [MASSEMBLY-622] - Unable to create "TAR" artifacts
    * [MASSEMBLY-641] - Assembly fails on resource name with a percent character
    * [MASSEMBLY-661] - Assembly plugin looses permissions when using fileSets
    * [MASSEMBLY-670] - Specifying <lineEnding> option of <fileSet>
causes timestamps not to be preserved
    * [MASSEMBLY-684] - Parallel Execution w Custom Assembly Descriptor Fails
    * [MASSEMBLY-692] - Assembly ID is global
    * [MASSEMBLY-709] - When assembling a zip on windows duplicate
files are added to the assembly
    * [MASSEMBLY-721] - Failing ITs for Maven 2.2.1

** Improvement
    * [MASSEMBLY-479] - Add option to generate Posix tar files.
    * [MASSEMBLY-530] - Allow configuration of encoding
    * [MASSEMBLY-638] - [PATCH] Support tgz and tbz2 formats in assemblies
    * [MASSEMBLY-673] - Add support for "delimiters" and
"useDefaultDelimiters" like the maven-resources-plugin 2.4 has
    * [MASSEMBLY-688] - Use maven-invoker-plugin 1.9
    * [MASSEMBLY-705] - Removed compatibility with Maven 2.0.X
    * [MASSEMBLY-706] - MavenProject/MavenSession Injection as a
paremeter instead as a component.
    * [MASSEMBLY-707] - Remove unnecessary excludes / Cleaning up console output
    * [MASSEMBLY-710] - Fix RAT Report
    * [MASSEMBLY-712] - Update version of plexus-archiver to 2.5
    * [MASSEMBLY-714] - Update version of plexus-archiver to 2.7.1
    * [MASSEMBLY-716] - Update plexus-io from 2.0.9 to 2.3.2
    * [MASSEMBLY-719] - Ugrade to plexus-interpolation 1.21

** New Feature
    * [MASSEMBLY-717] - Add an option to turn off project filters

** Wish
    * [MASSEMBLY-343] - add symbolic links managment (java7+ only supported)


-The Apache Maven team

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