On 12 December 2014 at 15:10, Dan Tran <dant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Where is in the official doc, this should land?

That's an awfully good question.
There is another thread about re-organising the documentation.

The User Centre (http://maven.apache.org/users/index.html) docs are pretty
thin, but I would expect this advice to land in there.

Or perhaps the Run Maven > Configuring Maven (
http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-maven.html) has a
section on Mirrors that links to
The first sentence says "Repositories are declared inside a project, which
means that if you have your own custom repositories, those sharing your
project easily get the right settings out of the box." which runs against
the current advice.

Unfortunately those mini-guides dont have a hierarchy available on the left
hand navigation page and hacking the URL to drop of the last path just
gives a blank page.

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