Am Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:09:39 -0600
schrieb Ole Ersoy <>:

> Thanks!!  You were right all along.  I just did a fresh install on my
> machine, and all my other builds were running fine, so I thought the
> entire JDK had been pulled in by one of my dependencies.  Once I did
> a `mvn clean` on these builds, they also stopped building.

BTW: maven does not "pull in the JDK". The reason why it builds
with Eclipse is, it has its own compiler and does not need a JDK (for

And when command-line maven sees compiled classes which are newer than
the java source, it will not try to compile them.

So only if your target directory is empty or a java file was modified
after comile maven will try to start the compiler (from the JDK). Most
other stuff works with only a JRE.


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