
I want to set the RequiredJavaVersion rule in Maven Enforcer Plugin with
the requirement that using Java in versions 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 is possible
(independent of update version). So I set the value [1.6,1.8] in the
property "version" in the RequiredJavaVersion rule. If I configure Java
8 in my JAVA_HOME, the build failed because of the rule RequiredJavaVersion.

The goal enforcer:display-info prints following information

[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:display-info (default-cli) @  ---
[INFO] Maven Version: 3.2.5
[INFO] JDK Version: 1.8.0_31 normalized as: 1.8.0-31
[INFO] OS Info: Arch: amd64 Family: unix Name: linux Version:

I have to set the range value to [1.6,1.8.0.*] so that the build runs

I discussed with my team how they interprets the range value [1.6,1.8].
They would interpret this as every Java 8 version is possible. Is this a
misinterpretation of us? What do you say about it?

Thanks and best regards,

Sandra Kosmalla

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