> From: ctrue...@wisc.edu
> Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 15:11:34 -0600
> Subject: Re: How to activate a profile when -offline?
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Hi Andreas,
> > Now, one might argue that the m-jarsigner-p needs to become smarter
> > and aware of Maven's offline mode, but that would require it to deal
> > with special cases, like localhost URLs being reachable even in
> > offline mode
> I would argue that, yeah. And that it should ignore such special cases, and
> just do nothing (or fail the build maybe) when in offline mode. Though
> special casing "file://" would be trivial to do. Maybe worth filing a JIRA
> issue for it? Doesn't look like there are any issues relating to this in
> the system yet [1].
> > being able to activate a profile on ${settings.offline} doesn't
> > preclude that as, AFAIK, that magic property can only be set before
> > Maven "starts doing things like resolving parent POMs", i.e., on the
> > command line or in the settings.xml itself.
> Sure, that makes sense to me too. After all, settings.xml is always there
> on the local machine and intuitively, it seems like it would be easy to add
> support for profile activation based on settings. But I am naive there!
> Regards,
> Curtis
> [1]
> https://jira.codehaus.org/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20MJARSIGNER%20AND%20text%20~%20offline
> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Andreas Sewe <
> s...@st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:
> > Hi Curtis,
> >
> > many thanks for your detailed reply.
> >
> > You wrote:
> > >> Is this by design, i.e., is ${settings.offline} different from,
> > >> say, a property ${my.offline} that I activate with -D?
> > >
> > > For better or for worse, Maven profiles cannot be activated based on
> > Maven
> > > properties, only based on Java system properties and/or environment
> > > variables. That is, anything you pass in via -Dfoo.bar can be used for
> > > activation, but all those properties you put in the <properties> section
> > of
> > > your POM, or in settings.xml, cannot trigger profiles. The Maven offline
> > > property is one of the latter, not the former.
> >
> > Yes, but settings.offline is arguably different from things in a
> > properties section because it is, as you point out below, a top-level
> > element in settings.xml (/settings/offline rather than
> > /settings/properties/offline). As such, it at least seems plausible that
> > settings.* properties act the same as env.* properties.
> >
> > >> does there exist a different way to achieve the same thing,
> > >> i.e., activate a profile when -offline?
> > >
> > > After 30+ minutes of thinking about this and trying things and grepping
> > > Maven source code, I do not think what you want to do is obviously
> > possible.
> > >
> > > Pragmatically, I thought maybe you could enable offline mode using a
> > > profile in your settings.xml activated on an environment variable, but
> > you
> > > cannot toggle the offline setting in such a profile, because <offline>
> > is a
> > > toplevel element (i.e., not declared beneath <properties>).
> >
> > Maybe I phrased my original question not clearly enough: I don't want to
> > *enable* offline mode. I simply want to configure some plugin (the
> > maven-jarsigner-plugin's <tsa> configuration option, to be precise) iff
> > I am running Maven with -offline. The problem is that, with a Time
> > Stamping Authority URL configured, the m-jarsigner-p tries to connect to
> > the TSA, even if -offline, which cannot succeed and causes the build to
> > fail.
> >
> > Now, one might argue that the m-jarsigner-p needs to become smarter and
> > aware of Maven's offline mode, but that would require it to deal with
> > special cases, like localhost URLs being reachable even in offline mode,
> > etc. IMHO, it is thus far simpler to just be able to configure an
> > "offline" profile that adapts your plugin configurations if -offline is
> > used.
> >
> > > The greater design issue is that Maven needs to know whether it is
> > offline
> > > mode before it starts doing things like resolving parent POMs. But that
> > > resolution is necessary in order to fully interpolate the POM and hence
> > > know which profiles are activated.
> >
> > I get that. But being able to activate a profile on ${settings.offline}
> > doesn't preclude that as, AFAIK, that magic property can only be set
> > before Maven "starts doing things like resolving parent POMs", i.e., on
> > the command line or in the settings.xml itself.
> >
> > Do you agree? If so, do you think this might be worth an enhancement
> > request? (I think the m-jarsigner-p use case is pretty compelling, but
> > then again that's the problem I am facing at work right now, so I may be
> > a bit biased. ;-)
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Andreas
> >
MG>you can bind to different phases depending on value of requiresOnline e.g.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>AspectJ compiler Maven Plugin</name>
<description>Handles AspectJ usage within Maven.
 provided is: weaving of aspects (or existing aspects from libraries) 
with the test and/or main classes, weaving of pre-existing jars and 
ajdoc reporting.</description>
<description>Weaves all test classes.</description>
<description>Weaves all regular classes.</description>
this implementation will always resolve during compile phase for offline/online
but will fail the build if offline during test-compile phase
> >

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