Hi Ron,

> Why not just mock the classes and have the mock classes take the
> appropriate actions when they are called by mistake.

To clarify my earlier comments: I like your solution here, and agree that
it would work well in this circumstance. It gives more control than my
suggestion to catch NoClassDefFoundError, and would only cause problems if
there might be a downstream project that legitimately wants to include the
real B for any reason.

My comments were mostly orthogonal to yours, in that:
A) I think the A project should declare B as an optional dependency, not
provided; and
B) I do not think the A project should use reflection to access B, but
rather let the compiler do its job, and catch ClassNotFoundException to
handle B being missing.

But neither of those comments are really under the control of Mark's
project. I just mentioned them because he asked why A wasn't using
reflection to access B.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:11 AM, Ron Wheeler <rwhee...@artifact-software.com>

> Why not just mock the classes and have the mock classes take the
> appropriate actions when they are called by mistake.
> Seems easier to manage and you just provide the right jar at run-time as
> part of the install or deploy.
> The developers don't have to worry about dependencies and maven works
> nicely.
> You could have a testing mock version that jumps up and down when it is
> called by mistake so that the programmers know that they missed the test
> for the option.
> Ron
> On 04/02/2015 5:32 PM, Curtis Rueden wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>>  I'm working on a project which has an "optional" transitive
>>> dependency.  That is: we depend on someone else's artifact (let's call
>>> it A), which itself depends *in some circumstances* on a third
>>> artifact (from a third source) which I'll call "B".  That is:  if you
>>> never trigger a certain feature of A then it doesn't really need B.  A
>>> expresses this by making B a dependency with <scope>provided</scope>.
>> Wouldn't it make more sense for A to declare the dependency on B as
>> "<optional>true</optional>" rather than abusing the provided scope?
>> http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-optional-and-
>> excludes-dependencies.html
>>  I think that A should use Class.forName to probe for B and (if not
>>> found) gracefully explain why it cannot perform the requested
>>> function.
>> I have historically had a lot of trouble with things done that way. The
>> problem is that Class.forName is very easy to mess up when custom
>> ClassLoaders are in use. Personally I think it is better to use a
>> compile-time dependency, and write the actual direct Java code, catching
>> ClassNotFoundException in the appropriate places to handle the situation
>> where the dependency is not present at runtime. Then you lean on the
>> compiler, and avoid subtle reflection-related bugs and problems. Since the
>> dependency is declared as <optional>true</optional>, you do not infect
>> downstream code with the dependency in every case -- instead, people can
>> choose for themselves whether to use it.
>>  We are thus faced with a choice: declare a transitive dependency as if
>>> it were a direct dependency, to support an unusable feature, and leave
>>> notes all over our POMs to explain why dependency:analyze is wrong and
>>> you should not remove this dependency; or keep explaining to people
>>> why they get NoClassDefFoundError when processing some of their files.
>> Could you work around their design issue by catching NoClassDefFoundError,
>> and handle the error in a more appropriate way for your users?
>> Regards,
>> Curtis
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Mark H. Wood <mw...@iupui.edu> wrote:
>>  I'm working on a project which has an "optional" transitive
>>> dependency.  That is: we depend on someone else's artifact (let's call
>>> it A), which itself depends *in some circumstances* on a third
>>> artifact (from a third source) which I'll call "B".  That is:  if you
>>> never trigger a certain feature of A then it doesn't really need B.  A
>>> expresses this by making B a dependency with <scope>provided</scope>.
>>> I feel that this is an abuse of the dependency mechanism, and that
>>> optional dependencies should not be declared to Maven as dependencies
>>> at all.  I think that A should use Class.forName to probe for B and
>>> (if not found) gracefully explain why it cannot perform the requested
>>> function.  What do you think?
>>> The feature in question is decryption of a file, which is triggered
>>> when A recognizes an encrypted file, and that is out of our control.
>>> Decryption requires key material, and in our application there is no
>>> reasonable opportunity to provide it, so we can't actually make use of
>>> the decryption function.  We are thus faced with a choice: declare a
>>> transitive dependency as if it were a direct dependency, to support an
>>> unusable feature, and leave notes all over our POMs to explain why
>>> dependency:analyze is wrong and you should not remove this dependency;
>>> or keep explaining to people why they get NoClassDefFoundError when
>>> processing some of their files.
>>> --
>>> Mark H. Wood
>>> Lead Technology Analyst
>>> University Library
>>> Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
>>> 755 W. Michigan Street
>>> Indianapolis, IN 46202
>>> 317-274-0749
>>> www.ulib.iupui.edu
> --
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email: rwhee...@artifact-software.com
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
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