Thanks Gruss,

Following your guidance I found the maven dependencies, and where is the
.classpath file you are referring to? I do not find it in workspace of the
project. I created a new maven project in Eclipse.

[image: Inline image 2]


On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Bernd Eckenfels <>

> Am Tue, 24 Mar 2015 16:23:23 -0700
> schrieb Lin Ma <>:
> > How to find Maven updated Classpath and its priority over existing
> > Classpath in Eclipse? I use both and Eclipse is less. :)
> Not sure I understand the question, but in Eclipse you can see in the
> (Right click -> Project settings -> Java Build Path -> Libraries in what
> sequence manual/eclipse/maven libs are searched. (Same is true for
> source and generated-source folders). 'You also see this in
> the .classpath file (it must contain:)
> <classpathentry kind="con"
> path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER">
> ...                     <attribute name="maven.pomderived"
> value="true"/>
> And when you open "Maven Dependencies" in the Package Explorer you see
> the dependencies on your build path (inserted by maven). With Alt+F5
> they get refreshed. (It will use eclipse internal maven+settings to
> populate this list).
> Note that there is no 100% match between compile dependencies, pluigins
> and stuff between Eclipse and M2e (but for normal projects its not an
> issue).
> Gruss
> Bernd
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