There is also the app assembly maven plugin:


On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Mark Eggers <
> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 5/11/2015 12:46 PM, Richard Catlin wrote:
> > I built a jar using a pom.  The jar depends on jars in the maven
> > repository.  How do I run my jar and include the jars in the maven
> > repository in the classpath?  If it possible to extract all the
> > dependent jars into a /lib directory that I can add to my classpath
> > at runtime?
> >
> > Thanks. Richard
> >
> Richard,
> I can think of two ways to do this.
> 1. Uber jar (I've not tried this)
> See the Shade plugin at:
> 2. Assembly plugin (this is what I do)
> A. JAR Plugin
> In your POM, configure the JAR plugin to contain three pieces of
> information.
> a) mainClass - this is obviously the class that has the main method
> b) addClassPath - set this to true
> c) classpathPrefix - I've set mine to lib
> B. Dependency Plugin
> In your POM, configure the dependency plugin to copy all of the
> dependencies to the subdirectory of the target directory. The
> subdirectory name should be the same as the classpathPrefix value
> For example:
> <plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>   <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>2.8</version>
>   <executions>
>     <execution>
>       <phase>package</phase>
>       <goals>
>         <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>
>       </goals>
>       <configuration>
>        <outputDirectory>${}/lib</outputDirectory>
>        <includeScope>compile</includeScope>
>      </configuration>
>     </execution>
>   </executions>
> </plugin>
> (This is an old project, update as appropriate).
> C. Assembly Plugin
> Configure the assembly plugin to create a zip file, tar.gz file,
> whatever . . .
> In src/main/assembly/assembly.xml, put in something like the following
> (note that I've left out the namespaces for brevity):
> <assembly>
>     <id>bin</id>
>     <formats>
>         <format>tar.gz</format>
>         <format>zip</format>
>     </formats>
>     <includeBaseDirectory>false</includeBaseDirectory>
>     <includeSiteDirectory>false</includeSiteDirectory>
>     <fileSets>
>         <fileSet>
>             <directory>target</directory>
>             <outputDirectory></outputDirectory>
>             <includes>
>                 <include>*.jar</include>
>                 <include>lib/</include>
>             </includes>
>         </fileSet>
>     </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> C. Construct your package:
> mvn package
> mvn assembly:single
> This will leave you a .tar.gz file and a .zip file (using the
> assembly.xml above).
> D. Unzip (or untar) and run
> Now when you unarchive your .tar.gz file or .zip file, you'll end up
> with a JAR file (your code) and a lib subdirectory with all of the
> compile time dependencies. You should be able to run the JAR file from
> the command line with:
> java -jar [your-jar-file-name]
> I'm a relative newcomer to Maven, but I hope this helps.
> . . . just my two cents.
> /mde/
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