The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Eclipse Plugin, version 2.10

This plugin is used to generate Eclipse IDE files (*.classpath, *.project,
*.wtpmodules and the .settings folder) for use with a project - if the M2E
Eclipse-Plugin does not fit you.

This release is the last one supporting Maven 2.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven Eclipse Plugin - Version 2.10

** Bug
    * [MECLIPSE-731] - eclipse:clean not deleting ./settings folder that it
    * [MECLIPSE-738] - NullPointerException in LinkedResource if
<locationURI> is present in .project

** Improvement
    * [MECLIPSE-697] - Delete deprecated code
    * [MECLIPSE-721] - Improve documentation to explain why Eclipse
sometimes does not import projects with correct project names.
    * [MECLIPSE-754] - UPdate plexus-archiver to 2.9,plexus-utils to 3.0.18
and maven-archiver to 2.5
    * [MECLIPSE-756] - Fix RAT Report
    * [MECLIPSE-757] - Add proper classpath entry names for Java 7 / 8
    * [MECLIPSE-758] - Use mojo annotations

** New Feature
    * [MECLIPSE-759] - Add goal to resolve dependencies in .classpath files
of a workspace


-The Apache Maven team

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