
I have a maven project (say A) depending on another project (say B) whose
project URL refers to a server without a global DNS name (e.g.
http://server.company.local/... or http://serverXYZ/...). The dependencies
page of the maven site for project A shows the URL of project B as plain
text and not the link named after B's artifactId with a proper href to B's
URL. I tried maven 3.0.5 and 3.3.3.

Is there a known workaround for this?

A little research showed, that this behavior comes from
maven-reporting-impl which is validating the URL with an apache-commons
UrlValidator. If validation fails, the href is output as text. The version
of the UrlValidator in use actually rejects any Top Level Domain longer
than 4 characters. Newer versions, however, would not solve my problem, as
they rely on a white list of top level domains not including ".local".

Can anybody explain to me why the URL has to be validated?

Thanks in advance!

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