On 24 July 2015 at 12:18, Paul Benedict <pbened...@apache.org> wrote:

> It sounds like both your projects are snapshots. So when you build
> B-SNAPSHOT you have no idea what's inside of A-SNAPSHOT. If this is
> bothersome to you, you can think about releasing milestone versions of A so
> that B-SNAPSHOT always has a known/reliable codebase to work with. Perhaps
> you want weekly snapshots to be released, for example, but you definitely
> want to lock down A's version for B.

Alternatively you can have Jenkin's use a per-project ~/.m2/repository.

Before each build we delete the per-project .m2/repo so that previous
builds don't pollute it.
This does mean that each build requires every released version to be seeded
into your .m2/repo - but this is retrieved from a network local repository
server, so its mostly fast enough.

Now you can build your jenkins projects for A and B knowing that they have
their own .m2/repo and will build everything from source control.

However Paul's comment would be a better approach.
You should also think closely about release lifecylces, as the way you have
it setup now you will need to release project A and B at the same time, as
child projects should be released together with the parent.
I think the advise for git is to make the relationship 1 git repo : 1
release cycle.
That is, dont put A and B in the same git repo if you indent to release A
and B on different cycles.

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