
Am Mon, 10 Aug 2015 19:23:51 +0300 schrieb Alex Ditu <ditu.alexan...@gmail.com>:

> I cannot test right now, but it can be tested very simple: in a simple
> project, rename pom.xml and run install/deploy, and see if it works.
> If it is ok, then is smth that I've done wrong. Else maybe it is the
> desired effect (wich I don't understand).

I created a simple quickstart project with

  mvn archetype:generate

moved the pom.xml to some-pom.xml and executed

  mvn -f some-pom.xml install

without any problems. The project was installed correctly in

  $ ls -1 ~/.m2/repository/test/quickstart/1.0-SNAPSHOT/

So something must be different in your setup.

- martin

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