Hallo everyone,


today it's about creating your own Maven repository as plain file
structure on a webserver.


My problem: I have a project and Sourceforge (Please no pro and con sf
discussion :P ).

I want to offer my library also via a Maven repository - snapshots as
well as releases.


So I deployed my files into a directory which I upload into a
sub-directory on the webspace of my sf project.

I used the following VM argument:


Afterwards I uploaded it to the webspace of my sf project into a sub
folder and added a corresponding "proxy repository" in Nexus.

But that somehow doesn't work: Nexus is not able to access the
repository - means it doesn't find anything  (unfortunately we still
have Nexus 2.6.2 here in the company).


I also created the archetype-catalog.xml in the root directory of the
snapshots repository.

Didn't change much.


Finally I created an index using the nexus-indexer-3.0.4-cli.jar:

java -jar nexus-indexer-3.0.4-cli.jar -r snapshots -i snapshots/.index
-d snapshots/.index -n myproject -s -t full

Now Nexus gets the structure and files the first time it requests the

But it doesn't get any updates of the snapshots repository.

Somehow it doesn't figure out the difference between the last update and
the next update.

I also created 2 scheduled tasks in Nexus: One "Update Repositories
Index" task and one "Download Indexes" task for that repository.

But when I run them it doesn't change anything.


Any ideas how to solve that problem?





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