My suggestions is based on the view of a Maven user who would like to do it's daily job ;-)

In our team we have > 20 Maven projects and as a Maven 'User' you need the chance to fix such issues before the break your build. Everyone would blame Maven for this. We should have the chance to fix these problems before they become serious.



Am 20.06.16 um 23:23 schrieb Christian Schulte:
Am 06/20/16 um 22:00 schrieb Oliver B. Fischer:
Yes, I think this  would be very helpfull. Otherwise I see a lot of
people complaining about Maven and that is not able to do its work.
Such warning messages could only be issued by Aether. That cannot be
done in 3.4. We already reverted the things in question in 3.4 so that
the issues you are running into no longer exist in 3.4 although it's
really the other way around. There are issues in the project you could
not notice because Maven makes those issues appear as correct behaviour.
They will pop up again in a later Maven version. Maybe 3.5. No one knows
right now. I ran a build of your project and just saw it will start
throwing ClassNotFound related exceptions/compilation issues. Not having
looked into any details. What is written here
is what Maven is aiming to adhere to. If we find a bug which makes it
behave differently, we need to fix that on our side. The sooner the
better so that people get a chance to notice as early as possible.
That's what has happened. Current 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT should again support
your project the way it did before. Does not solve the issues at hand.
You can always download a recent Maven SNAPSHOT from
<>. It
would help a lot if people would be using such a SNAPSHOT more
frequently so that we can sort out things more efficiently. Also helps
to find out what to focus in the release notes.


N Oliver B. Fischer
A Schönhauser Allee 64, 10437 Berlin, Deutschland/Germany
P +49 30 44793251
M +49 178 7903538
S oliver.b.fischer

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