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<div>-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------</div><div>Van: Robert Patrick 
<robert.patr...@oracle.com> </div><div>Datum:23-09-2016  11:18  (GMT-08:00) 
</div><div>Aan: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org> </div><div>Onderwerp: 
RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range </div><div>
</div>So then the right range to keep all 2.0 pre-release artifacts out of the 
build is [1.0,2.0-a)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Guillaume Boué [mailto:gb...@apache.org] 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 12:12 PM
To: users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range

Maven will consider 2.0-alpha-1 to be before 2.0-SNAPSHOT. This is documented 
in ComparableVersion: 


Le 23/09/2016 à 18:49, Robert Patrick a écrit :
> I was not suggesting that it could be changed...only that it doesn't make 
> sense (except from a pure mathematical point of view).
> Given this "engineer's approach" to version range resolution, it seems like a 
> better idea is simply to say [1.0,2.0-SNAPSHOT).  I have verified that this 
> eliminates 2.0-SNAPSHOT versions.  However, what I have not verified is what 
> happens when you have other pre-release versions (e.g., 2.0-alpha-1).  Is 
> 2.0-SNAPSHOT always considered as older than non-SNAPSHOT pre-release 
> versions like alpha, beta, etc?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manfred Moser [mailto:manf...@simpligility.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 11:47 AM
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range
> Fair enough. From the purely engineering/mathematical point of view it might 
> not make sense. But I dont see a way to get that changed with breaking a TON 
> of other stuff. And I am not even sure if it would be more intuitive instead 
> of just being different.
> Manfred
> Robert Patrick wrote on 2016-09-23 09:38:
>> No, you are making an invalid assumption about what I understand!  I 
>> completely understand the relationship of SNAPSHOTs and other 
>> pre-release artifacts and released versions.
>> What I am questioning is the "engineer's approach" to version range 
>> resolution without a valid use case for why Maven should consider 
>> pre-released versions as within the "not including 2.0" version range 
>> semantics.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Manfred Moser [mailto:manf...@simpligility.com]
>> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 11:32 AM
>> To: users@maven.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range
>> What you are misunderstanding is how snapshots are meant to be used.
>> 2.0-SNAPSHOT means that it is a development version working towards 
>> the release of 2.0 and as such the version 2.0-SNAPSHOT is smaller than 2.0.
>> If you mislike this you can change how you work with your own 
>> projects at least. .. you can just call your snapshot version 
>> 1.99-SNAPSHOT or whatever while developing and at releas time switch to 2.0 
>> ..
>> Manfred
>> Robert Patrick wrote on 2016-09-23 08:56:
>>> This does seem non-intuitive.    If I say that I want versions  between 1.0
>>> and
>>> up to but NOT including 2.0 by saying [1.0,2.0), in what use case 
>>> would I ever want this to resolve to 2.0-SNAPSHOT or any other 
>>> pre-release 2.0 artifact?
>>> Personally, I cannot think of a single one.
>>> Typically, what I mean when I say [1.0,2.0) is any 1.x version but 
>>> nothing related to 2.0...
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Justin Georgeson [mailto:jgeorge...@lgc.com]
>>> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 10:11 AM
>>> To: Maven Users List
>>> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range
>>> Yeah, I was hoping there was something more elegant like 1.1+ or 
>>> something, so I can at least move forward with that.
>>> Logically, does it make sense to resolve 1.2.0-alpha-1 when the user 
>>> has excluded 1.2.0 from their range? If I explicitly don't want the 
>>> release version why would I want the pre-release versions?
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: ctrueden.w...@gmail.com [mailto:ctrueden.w...@gmail.com] On 
>>> Behalf Of Curtis Rueden
>>> Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 9:01 AM
>>> To: Maven Users List
>>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: help with version range
>>> Hi Justin,
>>> You could write "[1.1.0,1.1.99999]", no? A bit hacky, but would 
>>> match the versions you want in practice.
>>> Regards,
>>> Curtis
>>> On Sep 23, 2016 8:38 AM, "Justin Georgeson" <jgeorge...@lgc.com> wrote:
>>>> I’m using the parent version range feature with “[1.1.0,1.2.0)” and 
>>>> it had been going well. However I wanted to start working on 1.2.0 
>>>> of the parent, so I published a 1.2.0-alpha-1 version. And all the 
>>>> projects with te “[1.1.0,1.2.0)” picked it up. I recognize that 
>>>> this is in keeping with the implementation that 
>>>> x.y.z-(alpha|beta|…) precedes x.y.z, but it is unintuitive to me. 
>>>> First in that I’ve stated I don’t want 1.2.0, and second that once 
>>>> I do release 1.2.0 the projects which were receiving the alpha 
>>>> builds will not get 1.2.0. I tried with both
>>>> 3.2.5 and 3.3.9. Can the version range syntax express the range I want?
>>>> *Justin Georgeson*
>>>> Landmark Cloud Platforms & DevOps - RM
>>>> Email: *jgeorge...@lgc.com* <jgeorge...@lgc.com>
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