This is not a bug, it's a bug fix! Bug introduced in 3.2, fixed in 3.5.1
(see release notes for that version).

Your plugin should use its own output directory and add it as a source root.

Le sam. 22 oct. 2016 23:18, Robert Patrick <> a
écrit :

> Periodically, I update the versions of the Maven plugins for my projects.
> Today was one of those days.  What I found is that the
> maven-compiler-plugin 3.5.1's compile goal no longer seems to not be
> including the ${}/generated-sources/annotations
> directory in the compile.
> My project generates a Java file in the process-resources phase and puts
> the file in this directory.  Other files in the normal src/main/java
> location include/depend on this generated file.  When I run my build with
> 3.5, it works perfectly.  When I run the exact same build with 3.5.1, it
> fails.
> I logged into my Apache Jira account but the compiler plugin project does
> not seem to want to let me create an issue for this.   Is there some sort
> of special permission required to create an issue on the
> maven-compiler-plugin?

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