Bundle is a special type used by the maven bundle plugin, which replaces
the normal jar with one augmented with OSGi metadata.

It is also possible to augment the replaced JAR further, e.g. shadow
classes from other dependencies.

When deployed, the result is still a *.jar, so it can be used as a
<type>jar dependency. To use the <type>bundle dependency would require the
maven bundle Plugin to intervene to still look up the jar, otherwise Maven
would look for a *.bundle file, which would not exist in the maven

Therefore I think you should never need to specify <type>bundle within a

httpclient-osgi is such a shadowed package, bundling several of the
httpclient libraries. One thing to be careful with on this particular
bundle is that it is not very useful from other Maven OSGi projects, as the
httpclient-osgi pom also has transitive dependencies on the libraries which
are also inside the httpclient-osgi jar. That might cause some confusion
for Javadoc with duplicate classes, or problems I'd you get version

we therefore had to use lots of exclusions. Ironically the o e dependency
of httpclient-osgi that *is* needed, httpcore-osgi, is NOT declared in the
pom of httpclient-osgi, so that must also be added with similar exclusions.

Now if your project is not itself an OSGi project and don't use
<packaging>bundle in its own pom, then you probably don't need
httpclient-osgi and can exclude it and use the regular httpclient
dependencies instead.

On 28 Oct 2016 5:40 pm, "KARR, DAVID" <dk0...@att.com> wrote:

> I have a subproject in a large multi-module project with the following
> dependency:
> --------------
>                 <dependency>
>                         <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
>                         <artifactId>httpclient-osgi</artifactId>
>                         <version>4.5.2</version>
>                         <type>bundle</type>
>                 </dependency>
> --------------
> The project builds without error.
> I was working on implementing Javadoc generation in this tree.  When I ran
> the "aggregate-jar" goal from the toplevel, it gave me an error saying it
> couldn't find this artifact.  This was initially mystifying (and still is
> somewhat).
> We use an intranet Maven repo, so it's pulling from that instead of
> mavencentral.  When I looked in the repo itself, I noticed that it had that
> artifact, but not the "bundle" type.  It just had the plain jar (I assume I
> would see something in the directory saying it was a bundle).
> When I looked in my local repo, it also only had the plain jar (I even
> cleared out the local repo and reran the build to regenerate it).
> I then tried commenting out the "type" property and also cleared out that
> section of the local repo.  As before, the subproject built without error.
> In addition, the toplevel Javadoc generation did not fail.
> It seems like the regular Maven dependency mechanism was happy with
> getting just the "jar" artifact, even though the dependency specified the
> "bundle" type, but the Javadoc generation would only work with the exact
> type as specified.
> I don't know if there's a bug here, but there's certainly something odd
> going on here.
> Can anyone explain what happened here?
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