I apologize if this topic has already been discussed.  I searched all over
the web and the archives and didn't find anything, but I can't believe that
I'm the only person with this request.

I'm running the CI/CD pipeline for several java projects.

We're using Git, Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, and Nexus.

I would like to to have the developers create and own their own POM.XML
that will be used for Snapshots and Release Candidates.

I want to add my build specific POM elements to the effective POM for the
CI process but I don't want their POM to have to include all the extra
elements for Jacoco and Sonar (and whatever else we add in the future).

I can do this with profiles but then their POM will have everything in it.
I can do this with a parent POM but they already have a parent POM
(springboot) so that they can run locally.  I would have to insert my
parent pom in between and that seems fragile since mine is only for CI

I can't do this with the settings.xml, on the build server, because it
doesn't have all the required elements.

I hope that there is something obvious that I've missed (like a Jenkins
plugin) but I'm about to give up and just require the developers to live
with an excessively complicated POM file.


George Kopf

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