On Thu, 14 Oct 2004 11:36:23 -0400, Michael Gaffney
> here at work.  It becomes a source of tremendous frustration when you
> need to work around the limitations of Ant 1.5.3 using a poorly
> documented and poorly supported scripting language like Jelly.
> I don't want to start a flame war because I really like Maven and I
> admire all of the hard work the developers have put into it, so let me
> apologize now if anything I have said offends anyone.
> Mike Gaffney
Apology accepted. But next time you need Jelly support, at least try
emailing it's mailing lists.

can't find a single post from you.

Bitching about documentation and support and not at least trying to
point it out to the users and developers is pretty poor form.

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