The issue of getting the correct version when downloading is what written in 
the pom.xml file.
It has nothing to do with whatever version you uploaded.

Yaron Golan

-----Original Message-----
From: Mehul Sanghvi [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 7:28 PM
To: ML Maven Users
Subject: Maven not getting latest artefact after deploy:deploy-file

Maven: 3.3.3
Nexus: OSS 2.14.0-1

We have a build process that explicitly uploads a few artefacts using 
deploy:deploy-file.  Subsequent builds in the chain, will than download these 
artefacts, but they never end up getting the latest artefact from Nexus.

We can see the artefact is available in Nexus, but I always have to do a manual 
rebuilding of the metadata in Nexus before I am able to have the subsequent 
builds pick up the latest version.

Here is what we use for uploading with deploy:deploy-file:

${mvn} deploy:deploy-file -B -V --quiet -s ${settings_file} -P${mvn_profile} 
${maven_options} ${deploy_file_options} -DrepositoryId=${repo_id} 
-Durl=${repo_url} -DgroupId=${group_id} -Dversion=${version} 
-DartifactId=${artifact_id} -Dfile=${artefact}

The above is run in a bash for-loop after the variables are setup via a 
case-esac statement.

For downloading it is just "mvn clean install -B -V -U" followed by locations 
for security settings file and maven local repo.

Any thoughts or suggestion ?   Let me know if more information is required.



Mehul N. Sanghvi

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