You're probably referring indirectly to this:

Note the <releases> element: my understanding is this means that if you're
using version 1.2.3 (and not 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT) of a plugin, then central will
never be re-polled for the re-publishing of version 1.2.3 (which is exactly
what you would and should expect).

Probably what you should be using instead is a <pluginManagement> section
in your pom.xml in question to pin the version of the sonar plugin to the
version you want to be used.


On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 12:19 PM Tom Golden <> wrote:

> Wondering if someone can link me to some explicit documentation around the
> update policy for plugin repositories.
> I ran into an issue today with our CI server where one build would use a
> particularly old version of the sonar-maven-plugin. I eventually realized
> after some digging that it was due to the contents of the
> maven-metadata.xml file for the artifact.
> When I ran help:effective-pom on the project, I saw that the regular
> repository element for Maven Central does not specify an update policy, but
> the pluginRepository element for Central *does* specify it as *never*!
> I couldn't spot any official docs on this, and it doesn't appear that it's
> set in the default %MAVEN_HOME%/conf/settings.xml. I also confirmed it
> wasn't set that way in my ~/.m2/settings.xml, so it appears to be
> hard-coded at some level in Maven itself.
> My question then is twofold. First, what's the rationale for having plugin
> metadata go stale? Regular dependencies from Central don't act this way,
> and it was very surprising. Second, what's the recommended approach here?
> It's rare that I'm running a plugin that isn't specified directly in the
> POM, so that "feels" like the right approach -- just specify a plugin
> element in the project (or parent POM) for Sonar and it should work. That
> also will work for all consumers of the project, versus recommending
> changes to each user's settings.xml to override the update policy for
> Central. Can anyone comment on that strategy?
> --
> Thanks,
> Tom Golden

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