3) The best is to read the user guide but for the properties :

plugin.jelly is the plugin code so it is independant of any project / user setting. 
The variable whitch are use by the plugin are redefine in your properties 

4) maven.username can be in a properties file too (the best is in 
so you didn't have to add the -Dmaven.username every time you need it.


21/10/2004 10:30
Veuillez répondre à "Maven Users List"

        Pour :  Maven Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc : 
        Objet : Re: problem with maven

2) wow, great suggestion tanks a lot : ) .
3) oh is it that we have to write appserver name and version in 
project.properties(i dont kow where it is : ( ), i was thinking we had to 
make the changes in the plugin.jelly file as the error said ,
maven appserver:init 
File...... C:\Documents and 
Element... ant:fail
Line...... 85
Column.... 31
 | Plugin Configuration Error |
  The specified appserver name is currently not supported.
  Property name: maven.appserver.name
  Property value:
  For supported maven.appserver.name values, please see the help docs.

4) uhh , actually i ran the command 
maven -Dmaven.username=george
for that user name error , but may be my knowledge itself is at a very 
primary level so i am facing these problems , 
anyway i appreciate your concern and effort to sort out my problem , sorry 
for taking your time . and thanks a lot : ) 
bye then,

2) Take a look at : http://wiki.codehaus.org/maven/DirectoryLayout
3) As the log say, you have define the properties : 
maven.appserver.version and maven.appserver.name in your 
project.properties file :
maven.appserver.name=[serveur name]
maven.appserver.version=[server version]
> maven jar ---> error
Probably missing properties or invalide project structure or error in src 
code ...
> maven site:deploy
;) ${user.name} is the value of the property who have the key user.name. 
It can be acces 
by maven from files (build.properties, project.properties) or command line 

(the -D option)
I think you better have a look at the site properties and goal : 


George A 
21/10/2004 09:39
Veuillez répondre à "Maven Users List"


cc : 
Objet : problem with maven

hello friends,
i am facing obstacles in maven and how to use it . i am very much 
new to it just installed it and want a TDK 2.3 project to run using maven. 

but frankly i am a very tough time with it . i have following querries . 
if anyone would suggest a remedy to few/all of them as they can it would 
be truly of great help to me . and very sorry about being so clueless 
about maven : ( .

1) what is equivalent of 'ant' and 'ant init'? ie. how do we create 
application using maven 
? or is it that you create an application in TDK 2.3 and then run it using 

maven ? i have 
successfully created an application in TDK 2.3 usig ant and it is running 
in browser . but 
dont know how to run it in maven.
2) if we can create app using maven how is the directory structure 
supposed to look like ?
3) how to integrate with tomcat ? how to start tomcat from 'within' maven 
folloing are the commands i gave and the results

maven appserver:init ---> error
File...... C:\Documents and 
Element... ant:fail
Line...... 54
Column.... 31
| Plugin Configuration Error |
A required property is missing a value.
Property name: maven.appserver.name
Errors must be corrected before using this plugin.
so in the plugin.jelly file specified the appserver name to 'tomcat'
maven appserver:init ---> error
File...... C:\Documents and 
Element... ant:fail
Line...... 54
Column.... 31

| Plugin Configuration Error |

A required property is missing a value.
Property name: maven.appserver.version
Errors must be corrected before using this plugin.

so gave version as '4.1.x' in plugin.jelly
maven appserver:init ---> error
File...... C:\Documents and 
Element... ant:fail
Line...... 85
Column.... 31

| Plugin Configuration Error |

The specified appserver name is currently not supported.
Property name: maven.appserver.name
Property value:
For supported maven.appserver.name values, please see the help docs.

finally gave up .

4) in maven home dir i have given following commands

maven jar ---> error
maven site:init ---> build successful ( do we need to do any changes in 
any file prior to 
this ? if yes i have not done any changes oopps, what to do ? )
maven site:generate ---> build successful
maven site:deploy ---> error
You must specify a maven username in order
You can either set this property in your ~
or specify one on the command line:
maven -Dmaven.username=${user.name} [goal]
so gave the command " maven -Dmaven.username=${user.name} "
again gave same error
so gave the command " maven -Dmaven.username=george " ---> build 
maven site:deploy ---> error
finally gave up !!
(huff, puff, pant, pant)

any suggestions are most welcome
good bye folks,

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