See `jlink --list-plugins` for the additional options.

From: Karl Heinz Marbaise <>
Sent: Friday, March 9, 2018 7:20:42 AM
To: Maven Users List; Bernd Eckenfels
Subject: Re: [m-jlink-p] missing --launcher and other CLI options in alpha1


On 09/03/18 01:29, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed the m-jlink-p (3.0.0-alpha1) misses e.g. --launcher Option (and 
> some more). I wonder is it planned to add a option.
> Or did I miss a method to specify CLI Options which should be passed to 
> jlink.exe transparently?

> I guess that would be good especially for those Options which are provided by 
> plugins. For example:
> --strip-native-commands
> --release-info
> --include-locales
> --exclude-files, --dedup-legal-notice,
> BTW: should –verbose also print the CLI Options actually used (or at least 
> retain the @jlinkargs file?)
> Gruss
> Bernd

maybe I miss something but where did you get those options cause If I
call jlink --help: (JDK 9.0.4):

The --launcher option is there and should of course being added to the

but --strip-native-commands, --include-locales, --exclude-files,
--debup-legal-notes I can't find a hint about?

Usage: jlink <options> --module-path <modulepath> --add-modules
Possible options include:
       --add-modules <mod>[,<mod>...]    Root modules to resolve
       --bind-services                   Link in service provider
modules and
                                         their dependences
   -c, --compress=<0|1|2>                Enable compression of resources:
                                           Level 0: No compression
                                           Level 1: Constant string sharing
                                           Level 2: ZIP
       --disable-plugin <pluginname>     Disable the plugin mentioned
       --endian <little|big>             Byte order of generated jimage
   -h, --help                            Print this help message
       --ignore-signing-information      Suppress a fatal error when signed
                                         modular JARs are linked in the
                                         The signature related files of the
                                         signed modular JARs are not
copied to
                                         the runtime image.
       --launcher <name>=<module>[/<mainclass>]
                                         Add a launcher command of the given
                                         name for the module and the
main class
                                         if specified
       --limit-modules <mod>[,<mod>...]  Limit the universe of observable
       --list-plugins                    List available plugins
   -p, --module-path <path>              Module path
       --no-header-files                 Exclude include header files
       --no-man-pages                    Exclude man pages
       --output <path>                   Location of output path
       --save-opts <filename>            Save jlink options in the given
   -G, --strip-debug                     Strip debug information
       --suggest-providers [<name>,...]  Suggest providers that
implement the
                                         given service types from the
module path
   -v, --verbose                         Enable verbose tracing
       --version                         Version information
       @<filename>                       Read options from file

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

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