I would like to do this to and have started modifying the Eclipse
plugin to get sources from
the dist folder on the repository - unfortunately as far as I can tell
- there is no standard way of getting maven to download the dist

When uploading you can use the goal to create maven:dist to create the
following files. Which I belive are meant to be uploaded to the repo
as follows


The src.zip version works fine when attatched to eclipse.

The zip/tar.gz versions contain classes and javadocs
The src.zip/tar.gz contain just source 

If there was a easy way to fetch these modifying the eclipse plugin to
add them would be simple. But I cannot find an easy way to fetch them
- does anyone have any ideas?

Ben Gidley

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:54:49 +0200, Krystian Nowak
> Stéphane Nicoll wrote:
> > We have multiple maven projects used by different teams and they request us to 
> > send soures as well (so that they can debug problems more deeply).
> > The idea would be to generate a artifact-src.jar as well and deploy it somewhere.
> > Is there a standard way to do this?
> I was thinking about more automated approach:
> When you publish your mavenized project you would be able to select if
> you are publishing it as:
> a) code (*.class) only,
> b) code + javadoc
> c) code + sources
> and then if another project is using yours as dependency
> the descriptor of such a dependency in project.xml would look like this:
>     <dependency>
>        <groupId>foo</groupId>
>        <artifactId>foo-bar</artifactId>
>        <version>1.4.1</version>
>        <properties>
>          <blah.plugin.src>true</blah.plugin.src>
>         <blah.plugin.javadoc>true</blah.plugin.javadoc>
>        </properties>
>      </dependency>
> Having code + sources (c) we can generate javadoc and include in our
> project's javadoc report. If developers are using Eclipse we can define
> e.g. LIB_SRC variable and unpack in LIB_SRC directory all sources from
> dependencies (if available).
> It would require a unified file and/or directory structure on remove
> repository (e.g. ibiblio). Let's say:
> .../foo/jars/foo-bar-1.4.1.jar
> .../foo/jars/foo-bar-1.4.1-src.jar
> .../foo/jars/foo-bar-1.4.1-doc.jar
> Of course automated deployment to create those jars is required, too.
> Regards,
> Krystian
> --
> Krystian Nowak
> krystian{at}man{dot}poznan{dot}pl
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