Take a look at the updated (in CVS) docs.  I added a bit about using the
generated source directory to import your xdcolet directory as a source
directory.  That way, when eclipse does a clean compile, it doesn't wipe out
your source...  I htink you are using xdoclet to generate a lot of the ejb
stuff right?  This works perfect for that...

As far as how you are reading in the common code, shouldn't that be a
seperate jar (and therefore project) that you are referring to?  Maven
doesn't really like to read in source from one place into multiple jars...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nigel Magnay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:01 AM
> Subject: maven with eclipse, mevenide et al
> Hi people. We've been using maven for a while now, with cruisecontrol,
> very nicely indeed, for builds.
> Some of us use maven to do our local box builds, but more don't than
> do, and a part of that is probably our heavy additction to Eclipse.
> Now, I've been using the IDE integration stuff, but I have a question
> (actually a 'how are you guys doing this). I've tried googling for
> this but I can't get search terms that provide a good answer :-)
> We have somee projects that produce EJBs. So, in essence, we have
> 3 projects:
> product-ejb : EJB Jar
> product-ejb/target/classes
> product-ejb/target/xdoclet
> product-ejb/target - ejb artefact appears here
> product-client: Client Jar
> product-client/target/classes
> product-client/target/xdoclet
> product-client/target - ejb client jar appears here
> product-root: Common
> product-root/src : effectively all the source code
> Where product-ejb and product-client set their source dir to be
> '../product-root/src'. This is nice because our legacy ant scripts
> (that some people still live & breathe) just live entirely in
> product-root.
> This all works fine for maven builds, but of course eclipse doesn't
> like its source files to be anywhere other than a direct descendent of
> the project directory.
> I suspect this layout is a bit wasteful - for one thing, xdoclet and
> the compiler get run twice, but I'm not sure the best route to go.
> symlinks for the src directories occur to me, but that scares me both
> because we're NT, and that it may confuse our source control (and our
> developers....)
> How are other people doing this?
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