On Sat, 30 Jun 2018 17:57:50 +0200, Václav Haisman <vhais...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 28 June 2018 at 20:54, Robert Scholte <rfscho...@apache.org> wrote:

Please see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MPLUGIN-341 for the full

TLDR; No, Maven can't be (Java) modularized, otherwise all plugins become

​I am no expert but it seems to me Java 9 services deal with this. Or don't

Java 9 is about 2 things: reliable configuration (all required dependencies are there) and strong encapsulation (hide internal packages). When looking at Maven, poms already provide reliable configuration, but this is build time only. If you use Maven to distribute your applications as well, then the configuration is reliable too, i.e. all required dependencies are there.

Java 9 and beyond have there own independent way of modularization, but this came with new rules. One of the most aggressive rule is that classes in jars must have unique packages.

Evolution of Maven resulted in the current set of jars, where classes are placed together if they have a logical shared goal. To stay compatible we didn't rename the packages, and there was never a need to do so: classes are unique, in other words no class collisions. There's also a jar called maven-compat, which contains classes from Maven2 and which are there to keep all plugins working. Especially this jar will always cause split packages.

So what we could do is create a monolith jar of Maven to ensure there's no split packages. But what does this mean:
- you'll get a huge jar, you should only need probably less than 1%
- the jar gets one module name to please consumers, however Maven won't run on the module path, so this will only be a false assumption they're safe.

For your interest, there's still a general issue with containers: how to handle dynamic loaded plugins/wars/...

If we want Maven to become Java modularized, we need to repackage classes. That will imply that all current Maven plugins become useless.

I'm not sure what you think what services will fix, but it won't solve the critical issue of split packages. Saying it very simple: Services (already available in Java 6) is like JSR330 (@Inject + @Named) but without CDI container. Maven uses a CDI container, so services won't help here.

If you still think there's a reliable solution to let Maven use Java Modules, I'd like to see your solution, there are probably more people interested.


It is hard to believe that there would be no way forward for Maven in some

On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 12:59:13 +0200, Václav Haisman <vhais...@gmail.com>


Is there any effort to make Maven Java 9 friendly and provide modules? I have hit some issues when I was trying to compile a 3rd party Maven plugin
(nashorn-maven-plugin) as Java 9. When I tried to provide it with
module-info.java I got stuck on errors like this:

[ERROR] error: the unnamed module reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
from both maven.core and maven.plugin.api
[ERROR] error: module maven.plugin.annotations reads package
org.apache.maven.plugin from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
[ERROR] error: module maven.plugin.api reads package
org.apache.maven.plugin from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
[ERROR] error: module maven.model reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
from both maven.plugin.api and maven.core
[ERROR] error: module maven.core reads package org.apache.maven.plugin
both maven.plugin.api and maven.core

It seems to me that Maven would need some refactoring and Java package
namespace splitting to get it to play nicely with Java 9 modules.

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