bq. I have the file the app uses at a particular place.

So it seems specify the location of this file somewhere, probably with the java.util.logging.config.file property.
How about changing the value of this property?


On Tue, 04 Sep 2018 16:15:00 +0200, Matthew Cline <> wrote:

I'm currently migrating from Ant to Maven, and am wondering how to
translate the following:

My project uses java.util.logging.  I have the file
the app uses at a particular place.  To see what's going on I'll often
lower the level of a certain class or package in order to get more
logging output, then change it again once I'm done.  Since I'm
frequently changing it, this file isn't tracked by git.  However, I do
have a default version of tracked by git.  If the which the app is pointed at is missing, then ant
copies the default version there.

However, I get the feeling that this isn't the way to do things with
Maven.  So what is the Maven way?

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