How about, say, maven-compiler-plugin's annotationProcessorPaths?

Le mer. 17 oct. 2018 12:29, Andreas Janning <> a
écrit :

> Hello maven users,
> I have just released a new open source maven plugin: The Go Offline Maven
> Plugin.
> It can be used to download all dependencies and plugins required in a Maven
> build, so the build can be run without an internet connection afterwards.
> This is especially relevant with modern CI-Systems like Gitlab and
> Circle-CI that need a consistent local Maven repository in their cache to
> build efficiently.
> Optionally, sources of all transitive dependencies can be downloaded as
> well to have them available in your favourite IDE.
> Maven already has an official to do this: The maven-dependency-plugin
> go-offline goal. Unfortunately, the go-offline goal currently suffers from
> several drawbacks:
> - Multi-Module builds are not supported since the plugin tries to download
> Reactor-Dependencies from the Remote Repository
> - Most parameters simply do not work
> - No option to download dynamic dependencies
> The Go Offline Maven Plugin fixes these drawbacks.
> The plugin has already been deployed to maven central. Source Code and
> further information can be found on the Github Page:
> Comments, Bug-Reports and Pull Requests welcome :)
> Regards,
> Andreas Jannig
> ------------------------------

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