Le 24/11/2018 à 13:53, Robert Scholte a écrit :

> With the Java Platform Modular System you'll clearly see different
> requirements between library and application developers.
Indeed (e.g. jlink is for application developers), but the requirements
I'm talking about are for library developers.

> Keep in mind that 1 pom-file can represent only 1 module. If you want
> to distribute multiple modules, you will still need a multimodule
> Maven project.
Yes and no. 1 pom-file can represent only one artifact. But the rest of
the discussion assumed that 1 artifact = 1 module, or that 1 Maven
module = 1 Jigsaw module. This relationship does not necessarily hold.
>From recent discussion on OpenJDK public mailing list [1]:

    I'm sure the topic of executable modular JARs files be back on the
    table some day but it needs to be looked at in conjunction with the
    issues around having multiple modules in the same artifact. They
    would be likely be work needed in several Maven plugins and other
    parts of the eco system too.  In the mean-time, it's not too hard to
    package multiple modules into the same JAR file and have a main
    class that creates a configuration and module layer from the modules
    in the JAR files.

Another possibility is to generate the pom.xml files for each Jigsaw
module, by intersecting the parent pom.xml with module-info.

> Single invocation only makes sense for an application that won't share
> modules.
No - a single javac invocation on a multi-modules projects still
generate .class files in separated directories for each Jigsaw module,
which result in one JAR file per module. I good demonstration of that is
NetBeans modular projects (based on Ant), which does exactly that. I
would like to see the same capability in Maven.

> So yes: single invocation is an option for the jdk tools but doesn't
> fit in the Maven architecture and is probably in general not that needed.
It does not fit with Maven standard directory layout. But with a change
of layout and corresponding changes in Maven plugins, I do not see major
obstacle (but of course I do not have your deep knowledge of Maven
internal). However I would not said that this is generally not needed.
We have at least MJAVADOC-449. Together with other issues, for me the
choice is between an evolution of Maven (possibly with custom plugins)
or migrating to another build system. Furthermore other Jigsaw evolution
may come (e.g. above-cited multiple modules in same artifact). If Maven
does not become more Jigsaw-friendly, the amount of difficulties may
increase in the future.

> There are no plans to make these changes in Maven.
> As response Remi Forax wrote Pro[1], which is build upon these new jdk
> tools features combined with the concepts of Maven.
Yes I'm aware of that, and my proposal is in part bringing some of Remi
Forax's idea into Maven.

> No, module-path is not the issue, but module-source-path is, which
> expects an extra folder reflection the module-name.
Indeed - this is the correction email I posted after my previous email.

> I don't understand this issue. As a java developer wanting to add
> module descriptor, you only have to create
> src/main/java/module-info.java. You can build your project as you are
> used to.
Adding module-info.java is sufficient for generating the JAR file, but
this is not the end of development process. We also needs to generate
javadoc. We sometime want to run annotation processing tools. Those
extra tasks are where difficulties arise. There is also a circular
dependency problem that would be solved with my proposal, but this one
is admittedly quite specific to a project.


[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MJAVADOC-449

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