Am 2019-02-24 um 21:04 schrieb Florian Schmaus:
Assume a project which declares a dependency on libFoo version 1.0.0, now libFoo also declares  a dependency on libBar using a dynamic version specifier [1.0, 2.0).

Now what I expect to happen is that Maven pulls in any, ideally the latest available release, libBar 1.0 version artifact. What actually happens is that Maven pulls in libBar 2.0-alpha5, which causes dynamic linking issues. Gradle, OTOH, pulls in libBar 1.3 when it is used to build the project.

I have created an example project, using the actual artifacts I experience this issue with, to demonstrate the different behavior between Maven and Gradle:

The example project is configured to depend on Smack, an FOSS XMPP client library, version 4.3.2. This Smack version declares jxmpp [0.6, 0.7) as a dependency.

$ mvn exec:java
Smack version: 4.3.2 (4.3.2-4.3 2019-02-22)
jxmpp version: 0.7.0-alpha5
ERROR: jxmpp version does not start with '0.6' as expected. :(

$ gradle run
Smack version: 4.3.2 (4.3.2-4.3 2019-02-22)
jxmpp version: 0.6.3

Is that by design or a (known) Maven issue?

This looks similar to MNG-6567. The issue is likely rooted in org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ComparableVersion, but I cannot tell wether this is by design or a bug. I think the whole issue is that ComparableVersion does not know that these wellknown qualifiers do denote non-GA versions.

This would require a change in behavior which will likely *not* happen in Maven 3.x,


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