The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Resolver Ant Tasks version 1.2.0.

This module generates browsable HTML pages from Java source code.

Release Notes - Maven Resolver Ant Tasks - Version 1.2.0

** Bug
* [MRESOLVER-83] - Classpath 'cp.runtime.test' in build.xml misses runtime dependencies

** Task
    * [MRESOLVER-81] - Bump Java version to 7 in build.xml

** Dependency upgrade
    * [MRESOLVER-70] - Upgrade Parent to 33
* [MRESOLVER-71] - Upgrade Maven Resolver from 1.1.1 (used by Maven 3.5.3) to 1.3.3 (used by Maven 3.6.1)
    * [MRESOLVER-72] - Upgrade Ant to 1.8.4
    * [MRESOLVER-73] - Upgrade Plexus Utils to 3.2.0
    * [MRESOLVER-74] - Upgrade SLF4J to 1.7.25
    * [MRESOLVER-75] - Upgrade Plexus Interpolation to 1.25
    * [MRESOLVER-77] - Upgrade Sisu Plexus to 0.3.3
    * [MRESOLVER-78] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
    * [MRESOLVER-79] - Upgrade Maven Ant Run Plugin to 1.8


-The Apache Maven team

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