
Is there a machine-readable way I can find out what the Versions plugin
did after I've executed it? I'm writing a CI task that tries to
periodically update the dependencies of a project.

Essentially, the task does this:

$ mvn clean verify
$ mvn -DallowMajorUpdates=false \
  versions:use-latest-releases \
$ mvn clean verify

If the second "clean verify" execution succeeds, then we assume that
all the new dependency versions are fine. The task then goes on to
commit the pom.xml changes.

The problem: I'd like to retrieve the list of dependencies that were
updated (their previous and current versions) so that I can produce a
nice commit message and changelog entry. I can't seem to get this
information out of the plugin.

I've seen the documentation for the dependency-updates-report goal, so
I tried doing this:

$ mvn clean verify
$ mvn \
  -DallowMajorUpdates=false \
  -DoutputDirectory=. \
  versions:dependency-updates-report \
  versions:use-latest-releases \
$ mvn clean verify

But this just doesn't appear to produce any output. Am I doing
something wrong?

Is there some better way to do this?

Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com

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