Hi Ben,

several years ago I created jgitver <https://jgitver.github.io> to cover
such a use case and even more.

It uses git information (tags, branches, commits, metadatas, ...) to
automatically compute a version based on configurable rules.
So like you I can simply do: `git tag X.Y.Z && mvn deploy`
jgitver <https://jgitver.github.io> brings more features & configuration
capabilities without never modifying the pom files (like `mvn versions
-dnewVersion` does).

It is a solution among others but it is worthwhile trying it.

An issue with solutions like yours is reproducibility : `git checkout X.Y.Z
&& mvn install`will not build again artifact-X.Y.Z ; but this can be
considered minor depending on the use cases & needs.

FYI here are the projects I maintain related to the topic:

   - jgitver library: https://github.com/jgitver/jgitver
   - jgitver maven extension:
   - jgitver gradle plugin: https://github.com/jgitver/gradle-jgitver-plugin



On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 5:51 PM Ben Podgursky <bpodgur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been experimenting with setting up Maven Central publishing from a
> TravisCI build (since it's free for my OSS GitHub project), and I ended up
> with a pattern that I think is pretty nice to work with (I've struggled
> with the maven-deploy-plugin in the past).
> I've written it up here
> https://bpodgursky.com/2019/07/31/using-travisci-to-deploy-to-maven-central-via-git-tagging-aka-death-to-commit-clutter/
> but
> tl,dr, the key thing I haven't seen used widely is the use of tags to
> define release versions, eg:
> ```
> if [ ! -z "$TRAVIS_TAG" ]
> then
>     mvn --settings "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/mvn-settings.xml"
> org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.1:set -DnewVersion=$TRAVIS_TAG
> 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
> else
>     echo "No tags, using snapshot version from pom.xml"
> fi
> mvn deploy -P publish -DskipTests=true --settings
> "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/mvn-settings.xml"
> ```
> This lets me cut a central release by just pushing a tag:
> ```
> $ git tag 1.23
> $ git push origin 1.23
> ```
> I've used Maven a fair amount but I wouldn't consider myself perfectly in
> tune with best practices, so I'm curious what others think of this
> approach, or if there are other streamlined central deploy setups
> (especially from CI/Travis) that I missed.
> Thanks,
> Ben

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