refactor foo to a multimodule one with the test utilities as an artifact and one with the code + tests for original foo, you can then depend on the test module with scope test in the main module and keep everything in source repo making it easy to stay in sync

On 12-03-2020 14:55, Andreas Sewe wrote:

I am struggling to figure out what the Maven Way is for distributing
test utils.

Say I have a project "foo" along with some unit tests for it. Moreover,
I have some utilities that help in testing "foo" (e.g., test data
builders or test fixtures). These utilities are used by the unit tests
for "foo", but may also be useful to projects depending on "foo" (e.g.,
a FooTestDataBuilder that produces Foo instances could also be used in
the tests of a dependent project "bar").

The question is where to place these test utilities and how to depend on

1. I could follow the "guide to using attached tests" [1], place the
test utilizes in foo/src/test/java, and attach the test-jar to "foo".
Then, a dependent project "bar" could depend on the test-jar in its test
scope. Alas, as the test scope is not transitive, I would need to
declare all test-dependencies of "foo" again in "bar", even though I may
not even use them directly (e.g., if the FooTestDataBuilder uses them
only internally).

2. I could split "foo" into three projects: "foo", "foo-test-utils", and
"foo-tests", with the latter depending on both "foo-test-utils" and
"foo-tests". A project "bar" would then simply depend on "foo" in
compile scope and "foo-test-utils" in test scope. This would make all
dependencies explicit, but would result in some oddities, e.g.,
foo-tests/src/main/java being empty, as all tests need to be placed in
tests/src/test/java to be picked up by Surefire.

3. I could split "foo" into just two projects, "foo" and "foo-testing".
foo-testing/src/main/java would the contain the test utilities for
"foo", whereas foo-testing/src/test/java would contain the actual tests.
This is again somewhat odd, as the tests in foo-testing/src/test/java
are not testing "foo-testing" but "foo".

4. Option 4 is the most natural way, but unfortunately it doesn't work,
because it introduces a cyclic dependency: Have "foo" and
"foo-test-utils" and let the tests of "foo" depend on "foo-test-utils".

Am I missing something? In particular, why is [1] apparently the
recommended approach, even though it requires you to duplicate
dependency information?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,


[1] <>

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