I use the following command:


mvn versions:use-latest-versions -DexcludeReactor=false
-DgenerateBackupPoms=false # command (1)


to update versions in my poms. I have the following setup:

pom.xml (main pom)


        /module-a/pom.xml (pom a)

        /module-b/pom.xml (pom b)


"Main pom" has <modules> tag:







"Pom a" has version 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT. "Pom b" has "pom a" (its artifact) as
dependency, something along the line "group:module-a:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT". When I
run aforementioned command (1), "module-a" version in "pom b" is not updated
to "group:module-a:1.0.4-SNAPSHOT" even though "module-a" is deployed to
Artifactory. If change version manually everything builds fine, which means
that artifact is reachable and obtainable and works fine.


I tried to do:

mvn -U clean


before issuing command (1), but it changes nothing.


What should I do to have this dependency updated?


Thanks in advance,




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