Hello everybody,

I'm struggling to get javadoc generation with includeDependencySource
working in my project.

When setting includeDependencySource to true in the pom and running mvn
clean install javadoc:aggregate or mvn clean install javadoc:javadoc

I get the following errors:

First: [ERROR] no reactor project: <group_id:artifact_id of the single
dependency of my project>

And a few lines later a BUILD FAILURE because the javadoc tool exited
with the following error:
Exit code: 1 -
error: module not found on module source path

But the source of the dependency seems to be fetched and unpacked
correctly to
The line (10) where the error is is the module definition of the single
in that project.

The generated javdoc options file contains only one module-source-path:
/path/to/my/project/target/site/apidocs/src which contains a single
empty folder named like the module of my project (not the dependency).

Did anyone have a similar problem before? Any ideas what to try?

If anyone wants to look at the whole pom or try to reproduce it, the
project is on github: https://github.com/fius/jvk in the folder project.
The only dependency of that project is also on github:
For trying to get this to work I made some changes to both, which are
not merged yet. See these pull-requests:
https://github.com/FIUS/ICGE2/pull/186 and
For this testing I'm using version 2.3.5-Snapshot of the dependency and
just locally running mvn clean install in it instead of uploading it to
a maven repository.


Tim Neumann (GPG-Key: B5BD 17C3 BD4A 7BA4)      
stv. Referent für IT Betreung
Studierendenvertretung Uni Stuttgart

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