> Can you elaborate this step? How is Maven supposed to send a header when 
> the target server never challenges the client?


> So, Keycloak does challenge the client with Basic?
Yes, when configured to do so.
Default authentication for browser is based on form authentication.
You can set it up to prompt for WebAuthn if wanted.
It can also use Kerberos, or delegate to another OIDC provider.

> I assume the token cookie is scoped for your entire enterprise domain?
> How do you pass the sub claim to Nexus? With RUT (claim-to-header 
> transformation)?
No, the cookie is correctly scoped for the initial host and path.

1/ User asks for https://dev.example.com/nexus
2/ This request is handled by oauth2-proxy which is configured as the 'client' 
of Keycloak and with Nexus as its upstream server.
3/ oauth2-proxy, because a cookie is not set, considers the user as not 
authenticated, thus redirect the user to Keycloak (say https://sso.example.com).
4/ The Keycloak auth process starts and as the oauth2-proxy client is 
configured for Basic auth (on Keycloak point-of-view), Keycloak issues a Basic 
Exchanges occur between user and Keycloak : if the user finally made it, 
Keycloak sets a cookie for its SSO part (Host: sso.example.com) and redirect 
the user to its original target.
5/ oauth2-proxy then gets the request with the SSO cookie, stating that 
everything is correct and sets a cookie for itself (that is Host: 
dev.example.com, Path: /nexus), speeding up next incoming requests. 
oauth2-proxy retrieves user's informations from Keycloak and sets configured 
headers with these informations. Say X-Auth-Preferred-Username is set to the 
user's username.
6/ Then oauth2-proxy sends the request with the X-Auth-Preferred-Username 
header to its configured upstream server : Nexus.
7/ Finally, as Nexus is configured to use RUT (i.e trust a configured header as 
containing a pre-authenticated user's username) and because the header is set, 
user is granted access to Nexus.

I hope I made it clearer.
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