Hi all,

I am trying to generate a ‘jar’ assembly that contains a ‘Main-Class’ in
the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Now it looks like the assembly plugin is
generating its own (plexus archiver) MANIFEST file with contents:

               Manifest-Version: 1.0

Created-By: Plexus Archiver 4.2.1

My idea was to include via a <fileSet> my own MANIFEST.MF file specifying
the Main-Class and ‘append’ this to the generated MANIFEST using the
‘file-aggregator’ containerDescriptorHandler in my descriptor file:










This didn’t work so I was wondering whether it found my manifest file. So I
adjusted the above configuration to write to ‘<outputPath>test/

My own manifest file resides under ‘db/MANIFEST.MF’ and should be picked up











Now it does generate an ‘test/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF’ but with following

               # Aggregated on Thu Feb 18 11:18:39 CET 2021 from:

So it looks that the content of my ‘db/MANIFEST.MF’ isn’t included. What am
I missing? How can I add my own content to the generated manifest file of
this plugin?

Tanks for any hints,


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