there's nothing that really painlessly replaced the first
maven fatjar since it became outmoded.

that said, i use dependency plugin to dump a lib/ dir even for reactor
builds, and then a shell script that uses that classpath syntax to load a
directory at a time.

this happens with maven exec anyways, just less fragile.

sometimes shade chokes on a manifest glitch and in practice fixing that is
less efficient than a robust lib/ dir

in the parent-most pom if the levels go deeper, verbatim from the
dependency plugin docs, is

in bin/ of the top level i have the tiniest specific bash runner, easily
ported to windows as well.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -fx
JDIR=$(dirname $0)/../apprunner
exec java  -classpath "$JDIR/target/*:$JDIR/target/lib/*"
 ${EXECMAIN:=apprunner.MyMain} "$@"

often it's a helpful thing to keep these shell scripts handy to record
variaous -XX and -D parameters in the comments or at run time.

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