Steve Hannah <> wrote:

> I'm trying to achieve better integration into VSCode with my project
> archetype. The way that the VSCode maven extension seems to prefer to work
> is for users to explicitly "run" a goal from a plugin of the project.
> You can see the VSCode instructions for running a JavaFX app as an example
> here:
> Basically, the user expands the Maven > Project > Plugins > JavaFX node,
> then right clicks the "javafx:run" goal, which is defined in the JavaFX
> maven plugin.
> In the JavaFX example, that javafx:run goal actually spawns a new process
> that runs the app, which seems to break debugging.
> With my own projects, I generally bind my "Run" goal to the "verify" phase
> so that running "mvn verify" will run my project.  This work OK in IntelliJ
> and NetBeans (although I need to do some contortions to make debugging
> work), but doesn't seem to mesh with VScode's way of doing things.
> What I would like is to create a custom "run" goal in my plugin so that
> VSCode can run or debug this goal - and the goal should trigger everything
> up to the "verify" lifecycle - without having to spawn a new process.
> I've been hitting walls in maven for years now, and I have a feeling that
> this is not possible.  Can someone either set me straight (i.e. inform me
> that it is possible), or confirm that, indeed, it is not possible?

The Maven build lifecycle consists of phases [0] and you can bind plugin goals 
to phases. As far as I know it doesn’t work the other way around, so you can’t 
make a plugin goal execute particular phases, which seems to be what you’re 
asking. It should be the other way around: you can associate a plugin goal with 
a phase and then when you execute that phase all previous phases will have been 
executed, and your plugin goal will be executed. I don’t use VSCode for Maven 
projects, but I hope it lets you trigger a phase instead of a goal? I know at 
least IntelliJ IDEA (which I use) supports this.


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