Do you have on your classpath - junit-platform-runner?
Please remove it.

pt., 17 cze 2022 o 20:23 David Karr <> napisał(a):

> I'm posting a new note, as this might be a different issue.
> I recently got good advice on this list about how to properly specify the
> version overrides for the junit-bom artifacts.  When I implemented that, I
> saw that I was consistently getting the correct versions for those
> artifacts.
> However, I'm now confused by the behavior that I'm seeing from Surefire.  I
> currently have a mix of JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 tests.  I'm pretty sure that I
> had this working before, but now I see that it is not running any of the
> JUnit 5 tests.
> Note the following excerpt from my build:
> -------------------
> [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M7:test (default-test) @
> PlatformPilotMs ---
> [INFO] Using auto detected provider
> org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider
> ------------------
> I'm using the very latest M version, as that resolves other issues we've
> been having. When I look to see what tests were executed, I see that it
> doesn't include any of my JUnit 5 tests.
> I ran "mvn dependency:tree" to verify what versions of JUnit are in the
> classpath, and it has BOTH JUnit 4.13 and junit-platform 1.8.2 and
> junit-jupiter 5.8.2.  The surefire doc page says "Surefire normally
> automatically selects which test-framework provider to use based on the
> version of TestNG/JUnit present in your project's classpath". Is the fact
> that both are in the classpath causing this? Am I going to have to manually
> specify both the junit 4 and junit 5 providers in the surefire
> dependencies? That is additionally annoying as I also have to redundantly
> specify the versions of those artifacts (I tried not specifying a version,
> and it complained).

Sławomir Jaranowski

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