
From: [Quipsy] Markus Karg <k...@quipsy.de>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 7:41 AM
To: Maven Users List <users@maven.apache.org>
Subject: Maven fails to resolve version range for <scope>import</scope>

I think I found a bug in Maven, but I am not sure. Maybe I am doing something 
wrong, so Maven Committers, please judge the following case:

A version range in a dependency like...

     <version>[2.0.0, 3.0.0)</version>

mvn dependency:tree

...results in a correctly resolved output...

+- org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-server:jar:3.0.0-RC2:compile

But when instead using the same version range IN AN IMPORTED BOM, then...

           <version>[2.0.0, 3.0.0)</version>


mvn dependency:tree

...results in this error message as it was not resolved:

downloading from xxx: 

MG>which tree will only see if your repository has already been declared in 
parent pom
MG>the beauty of the configuration for repository in parent-pom is visibility 
will not depend on a specific build profile
Maven – Guide to using Multiple Repositories 
Maven – Guide to using Multiple 
In fact the -P option will take a CSV list of profiles to activate if you wish 
to activate multiple profiles simultaneously.. Note: The settings descriptor 
documentation can be found on the Maven Local Settings Model Website.. 
Repository Order. Remote repository URLs are queried in the following order for 
artifacts until one returns a valid result: ...

Non-resolvable import POM: Could not find artifact 
org.glassfish.jersey:jersey-bom:pom:[2.0.0, 3.0.0)

In fact, calling curl -i 
 tells us that such a URL does not exist: HTTP/1.1 400 Invalid repository path.

So am I doing or assuming something wrong here (e. g. possibly includes 
deliberately will not resolve version ranges) or is that simply a bug in Maven 
(which I should report in the issue tracker)?
MG>OTOH if you are setting up repo under a profile then you will need to 
activate the repo

MG>then activate the profile containing the repository with
MG>mvn -Pmyprofile
Maven – Guide to using Multiple Repositories 

MG>nexus is particular about which nx-user can access what repo...have you 
tried to contact the creator of nexus repository to find out which user curl 
should use to resolve repository-path ?
Users - 
Figure: Creating or Editing a User. The ID can be defined upon initial creation 
and remains fixed thereafter. In addition you can specify the users First Name, 
Last Name and Email address.You also must enter and confirm a Password.. The 
Status allows you to set an account to be Disabled or Active.The Roles control 
allows you to add and remove defined roles to the user and therefore control 
the ...

Maven – Guide to using Multiple 
In fact the -P option will take a CSV list of profiles to activate if you wish 
to activate multiple profiles simultaneously.. Note: The settings descriptor 
documentation can be found on the Maven Local Settings Model Website.. 
Repository Order. Remote repository URLs are queried in the following order for 
artifacts until one returns a valid result: ...
MG>if you are using correct nexus nx-user
MG>AND you are not referencing a repository which is specific only to 1 build
MG>then you have indeed found a bug with version range and should report bug 
with your full test-case !


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