I apologize for the length of this email, I could not think of a shorter way to present the issue/questions that is clear enough.


My environment involves the usual many open source dependencies (which I control by specifying the versions to use in a master POM), but also a large number of frequently changing internally built dependencies and a huge number of applications that rely on these dependencies.

Changes on these internally built dependencies are carefully controlled so that they are always backwards compatible.  In over a decade before we used maven we had a single instance of these dependencies and we never - not once - had a version conflict problem.

But the default mode for Maven is to update the version number even for a tiny change and then to manually update the version of the dependency in every single project that depends on it.  Since we have a lot of those, this is a horribly error prone process leading to applications that crash because they are using the wrong version of a dependency.  As an example... one of our crashing applications that was built yesterday was found to contain a dependency JAR from January!!! when it should have contained a JAR that was also built yesterday.

Things that we tried:

- Builds and executions *INSIDE* of IntelliJ work beautifully. It always finds the latest code and it always runs on the local integrated server perfectly. _The problem happens in the JARs/WARs of applications placed into the Maven local repository_.

- In IntelliJ we tried checking Settings/Build,Execution,Deployment/BuildTools/Maven/"Always update snapshots" and not change the version number between releases so that it would include a fresh copy of the dependency during build, but even *completely wiping out* the local repository (the only one in use at this moment) it still used the old cached version from January.

- Next I tried to use the <version>LATEST</version> syntax in the POM.  But LATEST was removed after Maven 2 and we are using Maven 4.

- Finally I tried to use <version>[0.0.1, 0.0.999)-SNAPSHOT</version> in the hope of simply updating the version number of the dependency during development/tests and only updating the formal dependency version to 1.0.0 at release time but Maven rejected the syntax.  It is quite possible that the syntax I used is incorrect, but sadly the documentation is not very clear and provides no complete examples that I could inspect or duplicate.


1) Was one of the above methods supposed to work?  If yes, what did I do wrong and how do I fix it?

2) If none of the above methods is supported anymore (Maven 4), what method should I be using?

3) Is there any other tool - besides Maven - that I should be using for these builds.

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