
Short hint

org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem is not used for resolving by
versions plugin
It used
for repositorySystem.createPluginArtifact,


czw., 25 maj 2023 o 11:23 Tamás Cservenák <ta...@cservenak.net> napisał(a):

> Howdy,
> So Garret, sorry for the long response, and exactly for its length I have
> to say in advance: this will NOT solve your problem :(
> For readers: context https://github.com/mojohaus/versions/issues/959
> OTOH, it sheds some light on the "passive aggressive" stance of some Maven
> Core developers (me for example), but for this a short history lesson is
> needed.
> There was Maven2 (rewrite of Maven1, so no "history" in there), and then
> Maven3 happened. Biggest change in Maven3 was the introduction of Resolver
> (Mercury, Sonatype Aether, Eclipse Aether, today Maven Resolver), as Maven2
> had "resolving" code scattered all over the place, duplicated, and causing
> bugs and maintenance problems. One of the major goals of Maven3 was to
> promise "smooth sailing" for Maven2 users, so full backward compatibility
> was the goal as well. This is one of the reasons why the maven-compat
> module exists today, it contains Maven2 "compatibility layer" (alternate
> implementations from Maven2 times), for plugins that still use Maven2
> codebase. On the other hand, this "smooth sailing" for users introduced
> quite challenging (technical) issues below the surface for devs. This is
> complicated by the fact that neither Maven2 nor Maven3 had no "well defined
> API" per se, as it was really just "a bunch of classes and components". In
> reality, a very tiny subset of plugins can afford to depend on
> maven-plugin-api ONLY. They usually need more, and depend on maven-core
> (the implementation), maven-compat (maven2 compat layer), maven-whatever.
> Most Maven could do is somehow "signal" the intent to developers in javadoc
> or package naming (ie. by placing class into "internal" Java package
> denoting "this is private, please do not touch", example of this can be
> seen here https://maven.apache.org/resolver/api-compatibility.html).
> For example, what Maven3 was fighting with sword and fire (very eagerly)
> was to achieve, that code reaching to local or remote repo does not do
> this:
> https://github.com/apache/maven-verifier/blob/maven-verifier-1.8.0/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/it/Verifier.java#L577
> Similar code was scattered (copy pasted) all across the Maven2 and Maven2
> plugin codebase. Instead, it required devs to use resolver APIs (and leave
> layout hidden):
> https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/maven-resolver-1.9.10/maven-resolver-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/repository/LocalRepositoryManager.java
> Related problem is reaching out to plugin developers. For some reason
> (historically I guess, and it simply got into people's reflex), plugins are
> usually compiled against the same version of Maven artifacts as the plugin
> declared as "maven prerequisite", the minimal supported Maven version by
> plugin. For ASF Maven plugins that is 3.2.5. Hence, they compile against
> maven-core 3.2.5, maven-compat 3.2.5 etc (in case of ASF plugins). The
> 3.2.5 version was released in 2014. Therefore, whatever we deprecate in
> Maven 3.8.x, 3.9.x etc goes unnoticed by plugin devs, as they compile
> against classes from 2014, there is no deprecations shown in IDEs or during
> compilation. At the same time, at runtime with latest Maven versions, we
> must provide binary compatibility, as the Maven "swaps out" plugin declared
> maven-core 3.2.5 with current maven-core 3.9.2 or so.
> So this begs the question, "what makes a plugin 2.x or 3.x"? From that
> above, one may simply say "a plugin that requires maven-compat at runtime
> (uses components or code from) is 2.x plugin". So, for plugins requiring
> maven-compat at build time (ie. compile scope), answer is trivial: is 2.x
> plugin. Things get a bit more complicated, as almost all otherwise 3.x
> plugins require maven-compat in test scope, but this is more "technical
> issue", the test framework in use requires it (it relies on maven-compat,
> while the plugin tested may not). So, maven-compat in the test scope could
> be fine.
> And finally, we arrive to Garret's case: it turns out we have a cuckoo egg
> in maven-core (not that it was "secret", but I got really surprised when
> dug myself into what is happening here): The
> maven-core org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem component. Sadly,
> it's name is SAME to Resolver RepositorySystem, but that's not the only
> problem with this component. The problem lies in fact that maven-core
> contains the component interface, while the implementation for this
> component is in
> maven-compat org.apache.maven.repository.legacy.LegacyRepositorySystem and
> from this moment on, we delve into Maven2 compatibility layer that exists
> in parallel with Maven Resolver (this is "salvaged" Maven2 code, doing or
> redoing mostly same what Maven Resolver does). Simply put, this seemingly
> valid component org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem keeps wide
> open gates leading to the rabbit hole of Maven2 codebase that lives in
> parallel with Maven3.
> Most revealing were Garret debug messages "[DEBUG] Determining update check
> for artifact" that Andrzej and I myself were wrong when we both stated "it
> comes from resolver". It does not, it comes from here:
> https://github.com/apache/maven/blob/maven-3.9.2/maven-compat/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/repository/legacy/DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java#L76
> Now, this "update check manager" coexists and works totally independently
> from resolver related classes. they are literally "doing the same thing
> differently" and work against same local repository:
> https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/maven-resolver-1.9.10/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/DefaultUpdateCheckManager.java
> https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/maven-resolver-1.9.10/maven-resolver-impl/src/main/java/org/eclipse/aether/internal/impl/DefaultTrackingFileManager.java
> Consequence: maven plugin using
> org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem component is a Maven2 plugin.
> Hence, the conclusion is:
> * versions-maven-plugin uses org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem
> quite extensively (and debug logs contains logs from maven-compat), it is
> Maven2 plugin
> * org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem uses Maven2 classes to reach
> out to local and remote repository
> * transport is cast in steel: users of this component are married to Wagon
> (see WagonManager in LegacyRepositorySystem implementation)
> * OTOHm resolver local repository format did receive some (mild) changes
> since Maven 3.0
> * but, I guess these "Maven2 compat" classes were "frozen" (read:
> unchanged) since
> * I assume total breakage if some advanced resolver feature is used like
> "split repository", like https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7663
> (could be tested)
> Consequences for plugins using
> org.apache.maven.repository.RepositorySystem:
> * whatever new transport (HTTP/2 or whatever) is introduced by resolver,
> they will stick with legacy Maven2 Wagon
> * whatever new local repository feature is introduced (or used at runtime!)
> by users, they will be unaware of it (or even break with it)
> * "shared repo" feature (locking) is what comes to my mind, seems
> completely circumvented by legacy code, and may explain some issues users
> reported
> Disclaimer: all this by just skimming sources, I may be wrong at several
> points!
> ===
> As for me, what I will do instead, is to add yet-another passive aggressive
> warning for plugins injecting this legacy component :)
> (that will be missed by plugin developers, as by overwhelming requests, the
> upcoming Maven 3.9.3 will have these kinds of validation warnings "toned
> down", not displayed by default)
> Also created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNG-7794
> On parallel note, seems we will not be able to achieve this:
> https://gist.github.com/cstamas/b0605a9fad09de4adcbd4444888baa4c
> As many Maven3 plugins MAY be actually Maven2 plugins without knowing
> it, hence for Maven4 to support Maven3 plugins will still be needed to drag
> Maven2 codebase :(
> For me, this issue is an exact picture of the problem Maven project is
> struggling with. The Maven ecosystem cannot be fixed ONLY by Maven devs.
> ===
> So, Garret, given your local repository is accessed by:
> * local repository holds a "state"
> * is modified by maven core (does NOT use maven-compat) that uses resolver
> * is modified by maven plugins, that may use maven-compat that use "maven2
> compat", like in your case
> * is modified by m2e (I guess uses resolver, but again, as complete maven
> core is present in it, am unsure)
> I really cannot tell who or what (my guess) corrupted the "update check"
> related files.
> As it was said before, your best bet is to "nuke" your local repository, as
> it is really just a cache and should be considered as such.
> T
> On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 9:01 AM Karl Heinz Marbaise <khmarba...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > as I wrote on SO... are you in a corporate environment and using a
> > repository manager ?
> >
> > Kind regards
> > Karl Heinz Marbaise
> > On 24.05.23 18:04, Garret Wilson wrote:
> > > I'm writing to this list on the advice of Andrzej Jarmoniuk on
> [Versions
> > > Maven Plugin Issue
> > > #959](https://github.com/mojohaus/versions/issues/959). I have also
> > > opened a [Stack Overflow question](
> https://stackoverflow.com/q/76307809)
> > > with a bounty, but so far there have been no responses.
> > >
> > > In short Maven Artifact Resolver on my machine seems to be stuck at
> some
> > > previous point in time; it does not see the latest versions on Maven
> > > Central when I am requested updated plugin versions using Versions
> Maven
> > > Plugin. It shows that there are newer versions available, but the ones
> > > it shows are not the latest available. Before deleting my entire
> > > `C:\Users\user\.m2\repository\` directory tree I would prefer to know
> > > what is caused this scenario so that it won't happen again in the
> > > future. But at the moment I don't even understand what condition (e.g.
> > > incorrect timestamps or whatever) is currently causing this behavior.
> > >
> > > I am using Maven 3.9.1 on Windows 10. I also use Eclipse EE 2023-03,
> > > which contains m2e (Eclipse's support for Maven). I start with [this
> > > `pom.xml`](
> >
> https://github.com/globalmentor/globalmentor-root/blob/bce5bdbac7797b5b9114a72e5da2f4d76f3e24a7/pom.xml
> ),
> > which uses `org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.12.0`, which in
> turn
> > (I am told) uses Maven Artifact Resolver. (Note that I've tried the
> latest
> > `org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.15.0` as well, with the same
> > results. I'm using this POM because it's available online and does not
> > contain any version ignores to cause confusion.)
> > >
> > > I wanted to see what plugins were out of date, so I ran:
> > >
> > > ```bash
> > > mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
> > > ```
> > >
> > > It shows this:
> > >
> > > ```
> > > [INFO] The following plugin updates are available:
> > > [INFO]   maven-failsafe-plugin .......................... 2.22.2 ->
> > > 3.0.0-M7
> > > [INFO]   maven-release-plugin ............................ 2.5.3 ->
> > > 3.0.0-M6
> > > [INFO]   maven-site-plugin .............................. 3.12.1 ->
> > > 4.0.0-M3
> > > [INFO]   maven-surefire-plugin .......................... 2.22.2 ->
> > > 3.0.0-M7
> > > [INFO]   org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin .. 2.7.3 ->
> > > 3.0.5
> > > ```
> > >
> > > However in Versions Maven Plugin Issue #959 (see link above), Andrzej
> > > Jarmoniuk ran the same command and came up with different answers. Here
> > > are two examples:
> > >
> > > ```
> > > [INFO]   org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin .. 2.7.3 ->
> > > 3.1.0
> > > ```
> > >
> > > Note that my output is only showing v3.0.5 is available for
> > > `org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin`. Furthermore there
> > > are later versions available for some of the other plugins as well.
> > >
> > > ```
> > > [INFO] com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin  2.1.3
> > > -> 2.4.1
> > > ```
> > >
> > > My output doesn't even show
> > > `com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin`; apparently
> > > it thinks thje v2.1.3 listed in the POM is the latest available!
> > >
> > > It would appear that Maven Artifact Resolver is somehow "stuck" at some
> > > earlier point in time on my machine.
> > >
> > > I ran Maven with the `-X` option, and here is part of the output
> related
> > > to `com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin`:
> > >
> > > ```
> > > …
> > > [DEBUG] Checking
> > > com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin for updates
> > > newer than 2.1.3
> > > [DEBUG] Could not find metadata
> > >
> >
> com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin/maven-metadata.xml
> > in local (C:\Users\user\.m2\repository)
> > > [DEBUG] Skipped remote request for
> > >
> >
> com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin/maven-metadata.xml,
> > locally cached metadata up-to-date
> > > [DEBUG]
> > >
> [com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin].version=2.1.3
> > > [DEBUG]
> > >
> >
> [com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin].artifactVersion=2.1.2
> > > [DEBUG]
> > >
> >
> [com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin].effectiveVersion=2.1.3
> > > [DEBUG]
> > >
> >
> [com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin].specified=true
> > > …
> > > ```
> > >
> > > This debug information seems to be saying that it can't find
> > >
> >
> `C:\Users\user\.m2\repository\com\akathist\maven\plugins\launch4j\launch4j-maven-plugin\maven-metadata.xml`.
> > And in fact that file does not exist! Instead I have
> >
> `C:\Users\user\.m2\repository\com\akathist\maven\plugins\launch4j\launch4j-maven-plugin\maven-metadata-central.xml`.
> > (I don't know what the differences are.)
> > >
> > > The more ominous line is this one:
> > >
> > >  > `[DEBUG] Skipped remote request for
> > >
> >
> com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin/maven-metadata.xml,
> > locally cached metadata up-to-date`
> > >
> > > What might be causing Maven Resolver on my machine to get "stuck" at an
> > > earlier point in time, and/or to skip checking Maven Central altogether
> > > for newer versions of many plugins?
> > >
> > > Garret Wilson
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >

Sławomir Jaranowski

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