I'm updating to maven 3.9 (from 3.8) and my custom Maven plugin started to
fail with the error:

A required class was missing while executing <MY_PLUGIN>:

Part of the functionality of the plugin requires the use of Maven to
resolve some dependencies, and I have that implemented in a separate
artifact that uses Maven artifacts to mimic Maven's behaviour. The error
occurs while setting up the RepositorySystem for the latter, for which I
have the DefaultServiceLocator and I need to add
BasicRepositoryConnectorFactory as the implementation for
In Maven 3.9 the maven-resolver-connector-basic artifact was set as
provided (the PR for the change is https://github.com/apache/maven/pull/732)
along with the maven-resolver-uitls, but its package is not exported, so
there is no way to access its contents.

Any idea on how to overcome this situation? How is the
maven-resolver-connector-basic supposed to be used after this change?

Thanks in advance, Rodrigo.

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