
while troubleshooting an issue with user locale, I noticed Maven 4 treats 
'user.language' system property differently compared to at least 3.9.3:

$ mvn help:evaluate -Duser.language=fr -Dexpression=user.language alpha 7/8 return 'de' (system locale), while 3.9.3 returns 'fr'. Is 
this intended or a bug? Other system properties like 'user.region' seem not to 
be affected. Evaluating any other properties works as expected and no 
difference between 3.9.3 and 4.0.0 alphas – for instance

$ mvn help:evaluate -Dblah=blub -Dexpression=blah

returns what I expect…

Thanks in advance!


Bernhard Schuhmann
Senior Software Engineer|Jedox

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