Java CLI program arguments containing spaces are usually enclosed by
double quotes, so I would recommend to use:

  -Dexec.args="one 'number two' three"

This works in both UNIX-like shells (say, Git Bash on Windows) and in the 
Cmd.exe Windows shell, while

  -Dexec.args='one "number two" three'

only works in UNIX-like shells, but *not* in Cmd.exe.

Alexander Kriegisch

Garret Wilson schrieb am 15.10.2023 05:31 (GMT +07:00):

> Here's a fun one for your weekend. As you know from (almost) the 
> beginning of time we could invoke a Java application using Maven using 
> the Maven Exec Plugin, as in the following (although Maven's `--quiet` 
> may be a recent addition):
> ```bash
> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
> -Dexec.args="test" --quiet
> ```
> This passes a single command-line argument to my Java `main()` method 
> args array: "test". If I want to pass a string with a space, I put it in 
> single quotes, like this:
> ```bash
> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
> -Dexec.args="'foo bar'" --quiet
> ```
> That passes a single string "foo bar" to my application `main()` method 
> args array.
> Now … what if I want to pass a single string "foo'bar" (note just one 
> single quote in the string) as a single string to my `main()` method 
> args array? is there some way to escape the single quote? The 
> [documention](
> doesn't give any clues.
> I guess I could look at the Exec Maven Plugin source code (if it's 
> available), but that would take half a day and I've already spent half 
> of today going down other rabbit holes. So I thought I'd ask here to see 
> if anyone knew; otherwise I'll investigate another day when I'm 
> refreshed (or just put a temporary note in my Bash script about this 
> corner case, but that's not really my style).
> Garret
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