Use SNAPSHOT version will solve it.


Louis Burroughs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
12/11/2004 15:39
Veuillez répondre à "Maven Users List"

        Pour :  "Maven Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        cc : 
        Objet : Problem with Reactor build order

I am having trouble with Reactor changing the build order in my project 
when the dependencies have not changed.  At one point I manged to get my 
two war files built and installed in the local repository, then the ear 
file was built.  After I added more goals, my build order went to fifo 
(first in first out).  The adding of the other goals may be totally 
incidental, but something other than dependency is effecting Reactor's 
processing order and I can't find it can someone help?

My Project Structure:


Top Level maven.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="ipm:build-all" xmlns:j="jelly:core" 
        <goal name="ipm:build-all">
                <maven:reactor basedir="${basedir}" 
includes="*/project.xml" goals="ipm-dist" banner="Building" 
        <preGoal name="ipm:build-all">

                Checkout from CVS..........

        <postGoal name="ipm:build-all">



ear project maven.xml:

<project default="ipm-dist" xmlns:j="jelly:core" 
        <goal name="ipm-dist">
                <attainGoal name="ear:install" />
        <goal name="goal2">
                Do something else......

war projects maven.xml (There are 2 but they both look the same):

<project default="ipm-dist" xmlns:m="jelly:maven">
        <goal name="ipm-dist">
                <attainGoal name="war:install"/>

ear project project.xml dependencies:

                Other dependencies

Reactor output:

Starting the reactor...
Our processing order:
| Building IPM
| Memory: 9M/13M

Louis M. Burroughs III, OCTO

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